Thursday, July 3, 2014

07 Introduction to Computer System (Why Is A Computer So Powerful?)

Chapter 7

Why Is A Computer So Powerful?

A computer derives its power from its capability of performing the information processing cycle 
operations (input, process, output, and storage) with amazing speed, reliability, and accuracy; storing 
huge amounts of data and information; and communicating with other computers.


In the system unit, operations occur through electronic circuits. When data, instructions, and 
information flow along these circuits, they travel at close to the speed of light. This allows billions of 
operations to be carried out in a single second.


The electronic components in modern computers are dependable because they have a low failure 
rate. The high reliability of the components enables the computer to produce consistent results.


Computers can process large amounts of data and generate error- free results, provided the data 
is entered correctly and the program works properly. If data is inaccurate, the resulting output will be 
incorrect. A computing phrase — known as garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) points out that the 
of a computer’s output depends on the accuracy of the input.


Many computers can store enormous amounts of data and make this data available for 
processing anytime it is needed. Using current storage devices, the computer can transfer data quickly 
from storage to memory, process it, and then store it again for future use.


Most computers today have the capability of communicating with other computers. Computers
with this capability can share any of the four information processing cycle operations — input, process,
output, and storage — with another computer.
For example, two computers connected by a communications device such as a modem can share
stored data, instructions, and information. When two or more computers are connected together via
communications media and devices, they form a network. The most widely known net work is the


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